Ever forget what your doctor advised at your recent appointment?

Of course, it happens to all of us!

Let these instructional videos help guide you on properly executing treatments that I recommended at your recent appointment.

These instructional videos are intended for active patients at Vitality Family Medicine who have been advised specifically by Dr. Moak-Blest to perform the treatments demonstrated in these videos

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  • Me listening to finn's heart.jpg
    • 9/11/24

    Diaphragmatic Breath

    • Are you just starting to learn about breathwork and why it’s important? This is the perfect video to get started with

    • Watch this video from certified yoga and meditation coach, Meghan Leighton, to learn how to perform simple, yet very valuable breathwork.

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    • 2/3/25

    3-part breath (Dirgha Pranayama)

    • Did you try diaphragmatic breathing (1st video in this series) and want to dive deeper in to breathwork? Watch video 2 of the series with Meg Leighton, meditation specialist.

    • Dirgha (3-part) Pranayama (Breath) allows you to expand your breath slowly throughout your entire body, creating a deep sense of relaxation

    • Practice Dirgha Pranayama while listening to your favorite relaxing song and you will begin to experience the HEALIING POWER OF BREATH!

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    • 2/3/25

    Using 4-7-8 breath to establish a meditation practice

    • Think you may want to start a daily meditation practice? Does it feel too daunting? Meg will get you started in an attainable manner with the 4-7-8 breath in the 3rd video of her series.

    • Watch this video to form a strong base for a sustained meditation practice

    • If you want to dive deeper in establishing a meditation practice, scroll to the top of this page and “Book a Meditation Session” with Meg!

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    • 2/4/25

    360 degree breath intro

    • This tutorial will show you how to use breathwork to adjust for the extension pattern that we are all in, caused by sitting…. humans just were not intended to be sitters.

    • This is a simple exercise that can be performed standing, seated, or lying, so this video is for everyone!

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    • 2/4/25

    Strength training + Breathwork = Improved Posture

    A simple exercise that engages the triad that combats the extension pattern:

    1. Hamstring strength

    2. Transverse abdominus strength

    3. 360 degree breath (watch the 360 breath video if you have not yet)

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    • 2/3/25

    Galbreath Technique

    • Effective, simple, and painless osteopathic lymphatic drainage technique

    • Use on yourself or your child

    • Speeds recovery of inner ear infections (when used alongside antibiotics)

    • Drains fluid that can be a set-up for ear infections or can linger after an ear infection

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    • 11/6/22

    Sinus lymphatic drainage technique

    • Use this simple and relaxing osteopathic lymphatic technique to aid the lymph in draining from the neck

    • Relieves congestion, prevents infection, and speeds recovery if you already have infection

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    • 11/6/22

    Neti Pot

    • The netipot is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that uses the osmotic pressure of salt to coax irritants, allergens, mucous, viruses, and bacteria out of the sinuses

    • Yet another example of how ancient practices are making a comeback, and backed by modern science

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    Thread the Needle

    • Use this stretch to address tightness in the neck, shoulder blades, posterior ribs, and side body (under the armpits)

    • Check out our breathwork videos and combine deep intentional diaphragmatic or 3-part breaths to get that extra stretch and movement

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    Seated Thoracic Spinal Twist

    Seated spinal twist will:

    • target the musculature around your shoulder blade

    • relax paraspinals in the mid-thoracic spine

    • improve rib motion

    • improve digestion

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    Improving posture

    Learn how to properly align your spine by engaging your pelvic floor and core muscles, while giving your back a break

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    • 11/6/22

    Stretches for Tension Headaches

    • Stretching the posterior neck muscles regularly can help effectively treat and prevent tension headaches.

    • Also view the Levator Scap & Scalene videos for further stretches to help treat tension headaches.

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    • 11/6/22

    Levator Scap Stretch

    This stretch is for you if you are experiencing:

    • Burning/pain around the shoulder blades

    • Tension headache

    • Chronic neck and upper back pain

    • Poor posture

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    • 11/6/22

    Pectoralis stretch

    • Don’t forget about the front of you!

    • If you watched the neck/scalene video, you know I advise stretching the anterior and posterior scalene. The same goes for the upper back, you need to stretch the front too!

    • This video will help you if you are experiencing: upper back or neck pain, poor posture, prolonged periods seated, limited range of motion in your shoulders and thorax

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    • 11/6/22

    Scalene Stretches

    Treat chronic neck pain with regular stretches of the anterior, middle, and posterior scalene muscles

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    Piriformis Stretch

    This stretch is great for stretching the piriformis, which is a common culprit in sciatica.

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    Supine Spinal Twist

    Dynamic stretch that will address tension in the buttock muscles, sacroiliac joint, lumbar spine, lower thoracic spine, and ribcage

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    Iliotibial (IT) Band Stretch

    Stretching the iliotibial band to help address hip and knee pain

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    Psoas Stretch

    • The psoas is a huge muscle that start in your upper lumbar spine, crosses your pelvis and hips and inserts on your thigh.

    • It can be very difficult to undo chronic tension in this muscle

    • Lots of issues can cause tightness here including: prolonged sitting, poor posture, chronic GI issues, overtraining (especially in hip flexion activities such as running, walking, cycling)

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    Psoas Relaxation Exercise

    • Step by step instructions on how to passively release a tight psoas.

    • The psoas can be tricky, it can tighten up when we stretch it, so I typically recommend patients with tight psoas mimic what I do in the office, which is to shorten and relax the muscle