Ever forget what your doctor advised at your recent appointment?

Of course, it happens to all of us!

Let these instructional videos help guide you on properly executing treatments that I recommended at your recent appointment.

These instructional videos are intended for active patients at Vitality Family Medicine who have been advised specifically by Dr. Moak-Blest to perform the treatments demonstrated in these videos

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  • Me listening to finn's heart.jpg
    • 9/11/24

    3-part Belly Breath

    • Dirgha (3-part) Pranayama (Breath) allows you to expand your breath slowly throughout your entire body.

    • Feel your breath move down to your tailbone, into your abdomen, outward along each rib, moving the attached muscles in your chest and back, until it finally moves your 1st ribs along with the attached neck musculature.

    • Just imaging the healing power that all of this movement and proper oxygenation can induce via simple BREATH!